
Smartbug NZ provides specialist IPM services and biological products to New Zealand’s horticultural industries. IPM (Integrated pest management) is a strategic approach to pest management that draws on many tools to gain control over pest and disease populations. Our programs have helped growers reduce their reliance on a pure-chemistry approach and add many more tools and tactics to their arsenal.

Many horticultural pests have developed resistance to modern agricultural products, this is why a strategic approach is required to overcome pests. With a wealth of knowledge of both existing and new crop protection techniques, strategies and technologies, Smartbug NZ helps growers secure their crops into the future.

Our services

  • Professional Crop Monitoring

    Smartbug NZ specialise in identifying and tracking pest and disease populations in horticultural crops. Equipping growers with accurate information for crop management.

  • Crop Protection

    With our monitoring service, we provide farmers with strategies and advice to overcome pest and disease crop pressures. This includes a wide knowledge of crop treatments and how to use them most effectively.

  • Integrated Pest Management

    We provide farmers with IPM products and services to overcome resistant pests and diseases. With a strong emphasis on beneficial insects controlling pest populations effectively and affordably.